
Women power at Sodex Innovations

Picture of Sarah Lechner

Sarah Lechner

Marketing Managerin

Women in the IT industry, but also in the construction industry, often have a hard time holding their own in a male-dominated environment. It is not uncommon for women in these industries to face prejudice and discrimination. But at Sodex Innovations, we look at diversity on the team.


As a marketing manager in a leadership position, World Women’s Day is an important day for me to reflect on the progress of the women’s movement while also calling attention to the fact that there is still work that needs to be done.

I am proud to be a woman in a leadership position and hope that I can inspire other women to achieve the same. It is important that women in every industry receive the same opportunities and recognition as their male colleagues. Unfortunately, there are still many obstacles women face when it comes to advancing to leadership positions. We must continue to work hard to remove these barriers and ensure that women in every industry have the opportunity to take their careers to the next level.

That’s why I’m particularly proud that we have two women on our team. I firmly believe that women are just as competent and capable as men and should therefore be heard in leadership positions. It is important that women have a strong voice in this male-dominated industry and can actively participate in shaping the industry.

At Sodex Innovations, we not only focus on promoting women in leadership roles, but and at the same time, we also emphasize fair pay practices. In many industries, women still earn less than their male colleagues for the same work. This is not only unfair, but also unacceptable. That’s why I’m very happy to be able to work in a company that looks at fair and equal pay for its employees.

Open communication and a focus on diversity are of great importance to me and our management, especially Ralf Pfefferkorn. We take special care to include women in job postings and aim to strengthen our software team with female software developers. Currently we are actively looking for support for our team.

I’m proud that at Sodex Innovations, we embrace diversity and equality. Female employees are an important resource for our industry and it’s time they get the recognition they deserve. I hope that we can make a positive contribution with our commitment to women in the IT and construction industry.